“We shot in a dilapidated members’ bar,” says Thomas Shickle of filming the third and final installment of Jonas Lindstroem’s noir menswear triptych The Lost, The Determined, The Dreamer. “It felt odd walking around wearing fancy clothes surrounded by blokes on their fourth pint by 11am.” The sometime model for The Kooples plays bass in British indie-pop four-piece band Spector, who are currently mixing their Dev Hynes-produced second album Decade of Decay. “The next album will be released in the first half of this year,” he adds. “We’ll tour, play all the festivals, then I’ll probably have to get a proper job.”  

What informs your personal style?
Thomas Shickle:
Firstly what is comfortable, either how it feels or for the situation you are in. Then, whatever I feel like I can get away with without feeling like a twat.

Any prized possessions?
I have one or two nice watches and a burgeoning art collection.

What was on the stereo growing up?
My parents have horrendous taste in music: Jamiroquai, the Corrs and a Ministry of Sound chill-out lounge compilation all featured heavily.

If you could only listen to one record on an eight-hour road trip, what would it be?
Prince’s Sign o’ the Times. On tour we do a lot of driving. With this on you feel like you’re somewhere else other than a service station on the motorway.