Daria Werbowy morphs from skater to rocker, businessman to dancer as she shape-shifts through an array of different characters in this stop-motion animation by photographer Cass Bird. The pair were inspired by a series of black-and-white cut-out collages made in the early 70s by Cindy Sherman, an artist famed for her fascination with identity and gender. “I’ve always been interested in how clothes can override our identity,” says Bird from her home in Brooklyn. “How they can change our posture completely, or even how we feel about our sexuality.” Since their first collaboration over a decade ago Bird and the Ukrainian-Canadian Werbowy have traveled the world capturing some of the most distinctive images of the chameleonic model. Bird is celebrated for her spontaneous and intimate photographs of celebrities including Cate Blanchett and Viggo Mortensen, as well as personal projects like recent monograph Rewilding, which portrayed androgynous girls in the Tennessee wilderness. She brought a similar uninhibited freedom to this latest session with her close friend Werbowy, who holds the record for opening and closing the most runway shows in a fashion season and has graced the pages of everything from Vogue to V magazine to the Pirelli Calendar. “I laughed the whole way through it,” says Bird. “I’m always taken with Daria’s physical range. She pushes herself physically and emotionally and has this God-given gift to be able to channel masculine and feminine energy quite genuinely.”