A heartbroken but defiant Trixie Whitley faces a storm of emotions in the video for her new song, “A Thousand Thieves,” directed by filmmaker Matthu Placek. The daughter of blues legend Chris Whitley, Trixie grew up between Belgium and New York in a family of passionate musicians, artists and writers, learning drums, guitar and piano at an early age. For the past two years the singer-songwriter has been recording and touring with Black Dub, the band of super-producer Daniel Lanois who worked with Brian Eno on U2's The Joshua Tree and has produced records for artists like Bob Dylan, Neil Young and Willie Nelson. Currently soloing across Europe, Whitley caught Placek's attention with her soulful, smoky vocals and sensitive tunes while performing at New York salon Le Poisson Rouge. "All of a sudden, she lets out her voice and I just flew against the wall," says the former V magazine and Vogue photographer. They bonded that night, and soon Whitley was standing in a Balenciaga dress singing into four high-powered fans over a 14-hour day to the single take. "She really knows what she wants," says Placek. "You'd think she's this shrinking violet—and she is––but she is strong. She's very true to herself."