The aspirational evolution of American mythology is documented in director Simon Cahn’s vivid film, The Last Boxcar. Captured on board Doug Aitken’s cross-country train ride and public art project with Levi’s, Station to Station: A Nomadic Happening, Cahn’s story celebrates the ambitious artists involved, including dreamy drone rockers No Age and creative technologist Aaron Koblin, who seek to deconstruct the myth of the American West. “Doug’s idea to bring all these people together to collaborate and share their talents was inspiring,” says French filmmaker Cahn, who has previously worked with Spike Jonze and Lady Gaga. “As a foreigner with a very specific idea of what America represents to me, it was important to mix archival footage with a very current depiction of life in the USA.” Propelled by discussions of pop ephemera and the USA’s changing face, the short finds a spark at the intersection between nostalgia of days gone by and the boundless potential of the digital world. “Aaron’s comments about technology being the new Wild West were really insightful and unexpected. They definitely helped me view the future of American art in a very different way.”