“Al Pastor tacos in Mexico City are very much like cheeseburgers in New York –everybody has an opinion,” says director and Swallow magazine founder James Casey. “There are endless places to get them, but there are effectively a few chains that are competing with each other and claim to have been the originators.” One of those chains is the popular El Farolito restaurant, the prep kitchen of which serves as the backdrop to Casey’s close-up portrait of the famed pork taco, a follow up to the Mexico City issue of his "antie-foodie" bible. “Cities are often represented by a single dish, and I think if you had to classify the capital, its dish would be the Pastor taco," notes the director. "It’s such a product of the location: it’s modern, cosmopolitan, fast, and delicious – it’s a total culinary encapsulation.”

The film is set to a live-recorded track by the Swedish producer and composer Martin Inghardt.