In the second installment of Chiara Clemente’s Atelier Persol documentary, the New York-based filmmaker captures the work in progress of eight artists during their weeklong retreat in Florence, Italy. Sebastian Tellier, Kolkoz, Vanina Sorrenti, Robert Montgomery, Futura, Fabio Novembre, Random International and Mathilde Monnier, present a series of site-specific rooms inspired by themes including ‘Touch,’ ‘Harmony’ and ‘Precision.’ “We flew to Italy from New York straight after Hurricane Sandy,” says Clemente. “It was a shock to land in Florence with the beautiful views of the Palazzo.” The director’s work often focuses on creative beginnings and the early memories of Kolkoz, the Parisian art duo of Samuel Boutruche and Benjamin Moreau helped shape the symbiotic, multi-camera film they created at Atelier Persol. “When we rented our first studio in Marseille we ended up playing video games every day, paralyzed in front of our screens,” says Boutruche. “This moment may seem disconnected with art creation but computer software has had a huge impact on our vision. It’s an unsetting but interesting way of recording and perceiving the world.”

View part one here.