Today’s short animation by photographer Jenny van Sommers and set designer Rachel Thomas is a stop-motion procession inspired by tomorrow’s much-hyped regal festivities in London. “I find the whole concept of the monarchy and the public ownership of the wedding interesting, but as far as I’m concerned they’re just two people whose lives are about to be taken over by their public profile,” says Van Sommers, who is known for arresting contemporary still life images that have won her clients including Prada and Jil Sander. The cheeky film stars a succession of models crafted from light bulbs, cardboard and cupcake wrappers, to stand in for the real-life players: an incandescent "princess" leads the way with her groom trailing behind; the couple is followed by the flame-haired best man, a marching Royal Guard and the more allegorical figures of a frog and fox—musts at every fairytale occasion. While tomorrow’s event will be observed by two billion people worldwide, Van Sommers recalls a more intimate encounter with the future queen: “A few years ago I slam-danced into her at a party to Nirvana’s ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit.’”