A sun-drenched Malibu Beach sets the scene for Manifestation, a playful short from fashion photographer and filmmaker Guy Aroch. Scripted by System magazine’s Jonathan Wingfield, the story sees an American and a Frenchman in a heated discussion about the pitfalls of summer in Paris—the latter finds a welcome distraction, however, in the seductive gaze of supermodel Rosie Huntington-Whiteley. As the face of Burberry, Victoria’s Secret and Loewe, the British-born beauty turns heads before diving into the Californian ocean, a far cry from her rural family home on a Devonshire farm. “I guess the film has elements of sex, humor and cliché,” says the Israel-born, New York-based Aroch, who met the model and actor earlier this year while working together on a shoot for Muse magazine. “But the point is to show how important it is to see the positive and goodness that life can bring. It’s a glass-half-full kind of message.”