In this animated short, Lane Crawford takes us behind the scenes of its Spring 2012 campaign, "The Pinnacle of Style," shot by powerhouse photographic duo Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott. Working with a dream team of stylist Panos Yiapanis, make-up artist Charlotte Tilbury and hairstylist Paul Hanlon, Mert and Marcus have created an empowering vision of the modern Chinese woman. Featuring the country’s most in-demand actresses, Li Bing Bing and Chen Ran, as well as model of the moment, new face for Ralph Lauren and haute couture runway regular He Sui, the campaign presents a handpicked selection of pieces from the store’s latest collections from the likes of Azzedine Alaïa, Céline, Givenchy, and Yves Saint Laurent. Originally founded in Hong Kong in 1850, Lane Crawford has cemented its longstanding reputation as Asia’s leading champion in luxury fashion through recent collaborations with the likes of Opening Ceremony, Phillip Lim and Confetti System. The power of fashion to help an individual express themselves is central to the store's ideology, explains Lane Crawford Fashion Director Sarah Rutson, "As Mark Twain said, 'Clothes make the man, naked people have little or no influence on society'. Clothing is an outward expression for someone to show their individuality, as the essence of who they are.”

Behind the scene photography: Laurent Segretier.