Inez van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin are among the busiest photographers in the business, but even by the duo’s standards the run up to Pretty Much Everything, their gargantuan retrospective at Amsterdam’s Foam_Fotografiemuseum, has been manic. Luckily, we managed to grab a few precious moments with them during the installation and pose a few quickfire questions, the fruits of which we share below.

The exhibition at Foam celebrates 25 years of your work—where do you see yourselves 25 years from now?

We will hopefully have launched five fragrances based on our images and directed a few exciting movies. Or we could be doing yoga, full time, on a mountain in India.

Do you let your subjects view what you're doing when you're shooting them?

Yes, it's always a collaboration.

Favorite thing to photograph off-duty?

Our son Charles.

Best iconic duo in history (besides you two)?

Patti Smith and Robert Mapplethorpe

Best table for two?

La Grenouille in New York.

iPhone or Blackberry?


Call or email?


The New Yorker or Gawker?


Rolex or Cartier?

Cartier Tankissime.

Polaroid or Pentax?


Sea or infinity (pool)?

Infinity pool.

Dawn or Dusk?


Home or abroad?


Lovers or fighters?

Always lovers.