Gontran Cherrier has set hearts racing across France, not just with his tousled hair and rich, brown eyes (which shouldn't go unmentioned), but also  his novel, exotic recipe books. In France, they fly off the shelves, yet, lacking an English translation, they've so far failed to make it across the Atlantic. But Anglophone readers, fear not: Cherrier is currently in talks with a publisher in London regarding an international version of his latest book Pains—named the best hardcover cookbook at this year’s Le Cordon Bleu World Food Media Awards. Until then, you’ll have to make do with this focaccia recipe—a “thinner and crispier” version of the Italian classic, which the baker kindly shared with us. “I love focaccia because it is super easy to make,” he says. “And here’s how I like to eat it: when the bread is still hot, put mozzarella on it, with sliced tomatoes, speck ham, rocket leaves, and a trickle of balsamic vinegar.” Bon appétit!



  1. Mix the flour and salt. Add 18cl of water and the yeast.  
  2. Knead this dough for 10-15 minutes by hand—if it gets too dense, add more water.
  3. Cover with clingfilm and leave to sit for 30 to 45 minutes.
  4. Preheat the oven to 230º Celsius.
  5. Take a large baking tray, and lightly cover it in olive oil. Spread the dough on the tray, and create little indents with your fingers for the oil to soak in.
  6. Smear a thin layer of oil on top, scattering with oregano, sea salt, and small Nice olives.
  7. Cook for 8-10 minutes in the oven.
  8. Cut into small rectangular strips as soon as you take the focaccia out of the oven.