In this suspenseful new film from director George Harvey, we explore the nerve-wracking world of professional stunt acting. The focus is courageous performer Sian Milne, whose daredevil work involves her protective suit being set ablaze within a carefully controlled environment. In this gripping sequence, coordinated by TV blockbuster Game of Thrones stunt professional Rowley Irlam, we witness Milne’s preparations, mental resilience, and the technical support needed to place herself in significant personal danger (without sustaining injury)—all for the purpose of authentic entertainment.  

Irlam and Milne previously worked together on Game of Thrones, which culminated in a stunt record where 73 performers were ‘burned’—20 of them simultaneously. Filmmaker Harvey explains his own fascination with these fiery performers: “What interested me about Sian and the team’s work is their ability to control their bodies under ferocious conditions. Like meditation, it is surprisingly calm and controlled. These are actors who normally disappear into the background behind lead characters. Here Sian steps into the light.”