A local lifeguard lounges with a glass of red wine atFlying Fish Cove and a young woman cradles her child in photographer Alex Cretey Systermans’ photo-series Christmas Everyday, that distils the tranquility of Christmas Island, a remote Australian territory in the Indian Ocean. Discovered on Christmas Day in 1643 by the English sailor William Mynors, the isle is home to tropicbirds including the golden bosun and the region’s robber crabs, a thrifty crustacean known for being able to break coconuts with its claws as well as its kleptomaniac tendencies. “They are the masters of the island, with a habit of stealing anything they can grab from people resting on the beach,” says the recipient of this year’s Paris Photo SFR Jeunes Talents award, who has relatives who live on the island. For those seeking more relaxed activities, do as the local population of 2,000 do—Systermans recommends outdoor screenings at the island’s only movie theater, in between breakfasting at the roadside Barracks Café. “A walk in the jungle is something unforgettable here and do not miss a good fishing party,” he adds. “There’s a strong feeling of living in a different time and space from the rest of the world.”