Our second festive short from creative wunderkind Margot Bowman once again transports us 50 years into the future, where Christmas decor in 2062 seeks to enliven a society devoid of today's comforts. The ‘Beau-tee’ uses positive energy to infuse our soon-to-be artificial world with nature in the form of holly, mistletoe and other Christmas flora. The ‘Anxi-oh,’ meanwhile, has tentacles that soak up our anxieties to create a stress-free season—something we could likely use today, too. “We are becoming immersed in an increasingly digital world and developing deep emotional attachments to electronic devices around us,” Margot explains of her inspiration. “The interesting thing about using the future to tell stories is that if we don’t like this version of how the world might be, we can act now.” Creating these installments was no small feat for the animator, who reveals just how she did it below.


Hours spent illustrating decorations

Number of animators

Hours creating animations

Number of sheets of paper used

Other materials used
Two pots of Indian ink, watercolor paint, holographic paper.

Hours spent transferring files

Number of minced pies consumed
Seven and a half.

Holiday songs listened to during production
“Merry Christmas Baby” by Otis Redding; “Santa Claus is Back in Town” by Elvis Presley.

Tune in tomorrow for her third and final short about prospective warm and fuzzy adornments.